Baba Ramdev on importance of Yoga in Obesity

Below, people can listen to Swami Ramdev on the issue of obesity. According to Baba Ramdev obesity plays a negative role in the life a person and stops him from doing number of useful jobs.

Also visit- Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev
Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev 2
Food tips for decreasing obesity by Baba Ramdev

Food tips for decreasing obesity by Baba Ramdev

Below, people can find some food tips by Baba Ramdev for solving problem of obesity. By adding these food items in their diet people can easily decrease their weight without doing much exercise.

Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev 2

Below, people can learn main Yoga for solving problem of obesity. These yoga exercises taught by Baba Ramdev in video present can provide lot of help in controlling obesity problem. In the present world where lots of people are suffering from obesity, Yoga can provide very important help.

Video 1

Video 2

Also visit- Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev

Learn right way of breathing from Baba Ramdev

There are many common things in life which we are required to learn for performing them properly and breathing is one of it. Yoga tells us few ways to breathe properly because just by simple breathing we can remove lot of our problems. With the help of video available below, people can learn many methods for breathing properly and making our life stress free and healthy.

Learn why you should attend Yoga Camps

With the help of video available people can easily learn importance of attending a Yoga camp. People can listen to the comments of Swami Ramdev on this issue and his explanation of Yoga and its benefits.

Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev

Below, people can learn various Yoga exercises from Baba Ramdev. People can learn Bhastrika pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama etc with the help of this video from Baba Ramdev. This video is very useful for people suffering from obesity and can learn number of methods to remove excess body fat.

Part 1

Part 2

Also visit-Learn Yoga exercise for obesity from Swami Ramdev 2

Learn PATANJALI YOG from Baba Ramdev

Below, people can learn various Yogas as described in Patanjali Yog from famous Yoga Guru of Indian Swami Ramdev. Swami Ramdev has played great role in making Patanjali Yog famous throughout the world.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Learn Bahya Pranayaam and Agnisar Kriya

Below, people can learn right method of performing BAHYA PRANAYAMA AND AGNISAR KRIYA from Swami Ramdev and enjoy benefits of Yoga bless.

Learn Anuloma Viloma from Baba Ramdev

Below, people can learn right method of performing Anuloma Viloma Yoga. Anuloma Viloma is best exercise available in front of people which can be done at any place. It is very easy to perform this exercise. This yoga is believed helpful in controlling number of ailments.

Video 1

Video 2


Below, people can learn famous Kapaalbhati Pranayaam from Swami Ramdev. Yoga Kapaalbhati is believed as best Yoga exercise available for solving various stomachs related problems. Kapaalbhati Pranayaam can play very useful role in reducing stomach fats, therefore, this Yoga is very useful in controlling obesity and other stomach problems.

Part 1

Part 2

Watch Yogic Jogging by Swami Ramdev

With the help of video available below, people can learn the secret of Yogic Jogging from Swami Ramdev. Baba Ramdev’s Yoga exercises have helped many people in solving their large numbers of problems.

Ramdev Yoga Video 2

Enjoy second part video of Baba Ramdev Yoga and learn various secrets of yoga from him. Yoga can provide lot of help to people if people do it regularly. With the help of these videos, people can learn various Yoga techniques from Indian Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev.

Ramdev Yoga Video 1

Due to hard work of Baba Ramdev lot of people in India and world are getting advantage of benefits of Yoga. To learn Yoga from Swami Ramdev, people can get the help of this one and half hour long video where Baba Ramdev is telling various benefits and techniques of Yoga to people.

Watch Pranayam video By Swami Ramdev

Below, people can watch Pranayam video By Swami Ramdev. With the help of this one hour long video people can easily learn about various advantageous associated with Pranayam and what are right ways to do. With proper techniques of Yoga people can easily solve their lot of health related problems.

About this blog

Baba Ramdev has made big name for himself in India and world by spreading Yoga to every part of world. Today, billions of people across the world are getting advantage of Yoga spread by Swami Ramdev. With this blog, people can easily find all available video of Baba Ramdev at single place and learn great wisdom of Yoga and health.